Publishing procedure

AJMP Publishing procedure


All submitted papers undergo a double-blind review, where neither the author nor the reviewers know each other’s names. The procedure itself seeks to answer several questions:

  1. How does the article contribute to a field or discipline?
  2. Which elements are particularly valuable to readers?
  3. How does the author’s methodology fit into the study?
  4. What is the quality of presented bibliographical entries?
  5. Does the article qualify for publishing without any further corrections?
  6. Does the article qualify for publishing with minor corrections? If so, what corrections are necessary?
  7. Does the article qualify for publishing with major corrections? If so, what corrections are necessary?
  8. Does the article not qualify for publishing? Please justify your opinion.

Other remarks. Notes for the authors:

  1. All articles should be submitted as MS Word 97/2003 *.doc file. The authors should use Times New Roman 12pt type in the main text. Long citations (over 60 words), notes & references should be made using 10pt type. If you are using a dif erent text processor (i.e. OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Pages) please make sure that the text retains its formatting in MS Word.
  2. Articles should fit between 20,000 and 33,000 characters including spaces and bibliography.
  3. Authors are to include a 200-300 word abstract, 12pt type, 1.5 spacing, centred.
  4. 1.5 spacing should be used throughout the text, excluding long citations, references and notes (single spacing).
  5. The author’s name and affiliation should be placed in the top left corner. Typeface Times New Roman 12pt, single spacing.
  6. The article title should be made using 16pt type, centred.
  7. Notes are to be placed under a regular text page.
  8. Please do not use underlining and keep boldface to a minimum. Important terms can be italicized.
  9. Tables and diagrams should be numbered sequentially. Their numbering along with table title should be placed under a table or diagram. 
  10. Diagrams and/or illustrations are to be inserted as images. Please do not use the built-in MS Word diagram drawing function. To reduce publishing costs, please use greyscale for images and diagrams.
  11. Authors are obliged to secure in written form any third-party copyright permissions for re-publishing images and/or diagrams.
  12. If you are not a native speaker of English, please have your contribution carefully checked by a native speaker.
  13. References within the text should include a name, the year of publication and page(s) i.e. (Baker 2003: 24–76). For translated works use square brackets: (Stevenson [1975] 2001: 87–90). If you wish to include a newer edition, include the date of the original work: (Brown & Smith [1999] 2004: 12). The same analogies apply when creating bibliography.
  14. Please double check whether only the cited works appear in bibliography and vice versa. Copyrights: Academic Journal of Modern Philology publishes using Open Access Licence (CC BY-SA 3.0).


Academic Journal of Modern Philology publishes using Open Access Licence (CC BY-SA 3.0). For more details concerning copyright information please follow the following address:

Licencja Creative Commons

Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa-Na tych samych warunkach 4.0 Międzynarodowe.

Publishing procedures:

  1. Paper submissions: December 17, by the latest, prior to the year of publication.
  2. A preliminary decision about accepting articles is made by the editorial board. The board appoints reviewers.
  3. Papers are sent to reviewers. Each article undergoes a double-blind review.
  4. Articles reviewed and accepted for publication are sent back to their authors to introduce any necessary changes or improvements.
  5. The corrected articles undergo a second review by the editorial board.
  6. Final copies are sent back to authors.
  7. The volume is printed.
  8. An example of selected references:
  • Adams, Karen L., Anne Winter (1997) “Gang Graffiti as a Discourse Genre.” [In:] Journal of Sociolinguistics. Vol. 1/3; 337–360.
  • Adamska-Sałaciak, Arleta ([1998] 2001) “Jan Baudouin de Courtenay’s Contribution to General Linguistics.” [In:] Ernst F. K. Koerner, Aleksander Szwedek (eds.) Towards a History of Linguistics in Poland. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company; 175–208.
  • Adelung, Johann C. (1782) Versuch einer Geschichte der Cultur des menschlichen Geschlechts. Leipzig: Christian Gotlieb Hertel.
  • Adler, Max K. (1977) Pidgins, Creoles and Linguas Francas. Hamburg: H. Buske Verlag.
  • Aitchison, Jean (1995) “Tadpoles, Cuckoos, and Multiple Births: Language Contact and Models of Change.” [In:] Jacek Fisiak (ed.) Linguistic Change under Contact Conditions. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter; 1–13.
  • Bańczerowski, Jerzy (1980) “Ludwik Zabrocki as a h eorist of Language.” [In:] Ludwik Zabrocki. U podstaw struktury i rozwoju języka. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe; 9–27.
  • Boas, Franz (1930) “Anthropology.” [In:] Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences. New York. Vol. 2; 73–110.
  • Bühler, Karl ([1934] 2004) [Sprachtheorie. Die Darstellungsfunktion der Sprache. Jena.] Translated into Polish by Jan Koźbiał. Teoria języka. O językowej funkcji przedstawiania. Kraków: Universitas.
  • Campbell, Lyle (1997) American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Fisiak, Jacek ([1975] 1985) Wstęp do współczesnych teorii lingwistycznych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne.
  • Gallatin, Albert H. (1836) “Synopsis of North American Indian Languages.” [In:] Archaeologica Americana. Transactions and Collections of the American Antiqarian Society. Vol. 2; 1–422.

Submission guidelines

  • To make a submission send an email to
  • For further details regarding stylesheet please follow the guidelines and article outline within the published volumes.
  • A submission of a paper is taken to mean an original work which has not been published elsewhere.